Why did the president of Turkey throw Donald Trump's letter into the garbage basket?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo .an has always been in the debate over his statements and hiccups. Recap, intending to be a caliphate of Islamic countries, has fought a war with the Kurdish community's army in northern Syria. There is a decades-old enmity between Kurds and Turkey, but with this military action, Syria has become restless. Since the Kurdish group supports Syrian President Assad al-Assad, the Syrian army has also waited to help the Kurds against Turkey. Under such circumstances there is renewed outrage over Syria.

Assuming that the United States does not stop Syria's endless war, Turkey decided to withdraw its troops or immediately invaded Turkey. Turkey's action was thought to be the gesture of the United States, but international politics is very stereotypical. There is something new coming out of the abyss than it appears on the surface. Turkey has criticized the world for attacking Syria, but it is believed that on October 9, US President Donald Trump wrote a letter to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo .an to stop the attack on the Kurds. The language of the letter and the response to Turkey can be considered.

This letter from Trump first appeared on America's News Channel Focus. In which, Trump called the excessive action foolish, warning Turkey to stay away from it. Trump wrote in the letter that let's begin a new agreement. You will not be responsible for the thousands of homeless people and I do not want to be an excuse to ruin the economy of Turkey. Don't be too stiff and don't be fooled. Information obtained by Turkish President Recep Tayyip on the language of Trump's letter and instructions to continue attacks on Syria. Not only that, I threw the letter into the trash. This letter and story has gone viral on international media and social media around the world.
