Theft at the house of Modi government railway minister Piyush Goyal

New delhi date. 3. October 2019 Thursday

The Modi government's railway minister Piyush Goyal has been reported stolen in a house in the Nepean Sea area of ​​Mumbai.

Police have arrested one person in this connection. It is alleged that he wiped his hands on silverware, watches, mobile phones and cash in the house. He also stole some data from the phone.

Police have now also sought the help of cybercrime and forensic lab experts. Police arrested Vishnu Kumar Vishwakarma on suspicion of theft. He started work in Goel's bungalow four months ago. , Vishwakarma is also missing with various items from the house, cash and mobile.

In the interrogation made by police after Vishwakarma's arrest, he said that he was leaving for Delhi. He also received five phones from the police.
