Monsoon rains across the country complete: northeast monsoon begins in the southern states

(PTI) New Delhi, Ta. Wednesday 16 October 2019

The monsoon monsoon is over in the weeks after rain started to drop in the country's fiery corners.

The Meteorological Department described the end of the monsoon as the fastest

This is probably the earliest monsoon season.

The monsoon has also started as the monsoon rains have started in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala.

The monsoon rains from all over the country are over, while the monsoon, which is expected to bring rains in Tamil Nadu and its neighboring Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala areas, has started, the Meteorological Department added.

The east coast of southern Karnataka has the effect of cyclonic circulation at low levels in the East-Central Arabian Sea. Air pressure will be lower at lower levels, above the area affected by the storm, from Sri Lanka's north coast.
