Who is this 16-year-old girl who has a bio-climate change climate change? Learn so much easier

The Swedish woman is giving the message of changing the world and staying vigilant against the damage caused by climate change. Greta is an example of how Texas children's lessons are affected. When I was 8 years old, I started working for him at a young age, reading lessons about climate change. At such a young age, he has impressed people with his understanding and thoughts on complex topics such as Klimt. Now he speaks of climate change in the UN, and he impresses everyone by speaking on Climate Change. Is.

The dam with Parliament to raise people against climate change

August 7 was the first day to go to school after completing a summer vacation in Sweden. All the children arrived at the school, but Greta Thanbag sat down with a banner near the Parliament of Stockholm instead of going to school. This banner was written in Latin by Skol Strike Fyuer Klimatet. It means that there is a strike to go to school for water. There was a school bag beside him but he was in no hurry to go to school.

The pedestrians passing by the Parliament were surprised to see a message going to a school-going girl on a very serious and complicated problem like water. She seemed to be the lonely and saddest girl in the world. This was his first attempt to draw people's attention to climate change. Thereafter, Greta used to sit on the banner every Friday, just outside the Parliament.

The movement called Friday's Future was gaining momentum

In spite of adverse weather conditions such as heavy snowfall, he continued the movement called Friday's Future. Parents opposed to holding such a school every Friday, but they were very consciously persuaded to leave because of this activity. As the media watched the news coverage, Greta's venture into Europe and the Americas began to spread. Millions of children took to the streets instead of going to school to protest.

Greta's Friday for Future is spread across the globe

One day Greta sat alone and then joined her classmates and citizens. Its movements first spread to Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada and the United States, first to Stockholm, then to other cities of Sweden, the continent, and the United States. On March 8, the Climate Movement spread from the United States to Australia and became a truly worldwide movement. The issue of climate change is important but if children do not go to school, it is possible to have an impact on their studies. Therefore, the school management and the guardians were also worried. Australian Prime Minister Raskat Morrison did not like the fact that the children of his country went on strike. Something similar was the attitude of the British and German governments. Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, suspected the growing display of schoolchildren had nothing to do with Russia's hybrid war in the West.

More than two million children have joined the Greta's water movement

Greta once also expressed regret that the only thing we have to do with climate change is that everything other than aquatic change is linked to our movement. Politicians have known for decades that there is a direct connection to climate change and our existence, but they have done nothing for it. According to current information, more than two million children have joined the Greater Aquatic Movement.

For the first time at the age of 4, I read about Climate Change from a TechBook

Greta first learned of the change in climate change from a notebook when she was 7 years old. It was only at a young age that the interest in learning about the subject was growing. It was sad to know that climate change was caused by human negligence and inhumane motives. Greta has been involved in print media and electronic media from America to Australia but does not name herself but believes in being behind the scenes. He complains that although climate change is so important to our survival, special attention is paid to other failing things. When he was 3 years old, the impact on the climate change was such that he started saving electricity at home.

Why has Greta abandoned meat? Why doesn't she board the plane?

It also plugs out the hanging wires of the charging battery. At that time parents were very surprised to see Greta's behavior. She explained the lesson by saying that electricity saving also contributes to reducing the negative impact of climate change. As the understanding progressed, he refused to sit in the petrol and diesel cars. Eventually, tired of the girl's stubbornness, parents had to buy an electric car. In addition to the pollution caused by the consumption of electricity, petrol diesel, fisheries were also responsible for aquaculture change, he abandoned meat. Not only that, parents were also encouraged to quit meat. Greta Thanberg also does not do air travel to prevent carbon dioxide emissions from rising in the air.
