This woman, 38, pregnant for the 20th time, worried about the system

September 12, 2019, Pune

An pregnant woman in Maharashtra has wreaked havoc on administration head

The reason behind the troubles of the system is that the female infant in Majalgam in Beed district of Maharashtra has become pregnant for the 20th time. He is 38 years old.

Thus, no delivery has been done to the hospital before. But this time he is at risk of death. Due to which the system is becoming more cautious. Lancabine weighs only 45kg and doctors are very skeptical about its delivery. To save him, the doctors have finally prepared for delivery at the hospital.

She had had an abortion three times in the previous delivery. 16 times the delivery of Lanqabai was successful. However, five of these children died shortly after delivery. He currently has 11 children.

"We had to make a request to take the pregnant pregnant lady to hospital," said Anil Pardesinu, a government medical officer at Majalgaon.

The reason for the deteriorating health of Lankabine is also due to the high print delivery. Because of its weight, it is prone to post-mortem hemorrhage. In India, the cause is responsible for 25% of the deaths occurring at the time of delivery.

Lanqabai and her husband run their house with garbage. Their oldest son is 21 years old. Whoever has 3 children.
