Kerala: Relative parents raped minors, seduce daughter to make money

Kochi, Ta. 26 September 2019 Thursday

Almost every night we heard the scream of a girl from the room, her cries were heard, people were coming to her overnight but a neighbor told the police how we would interfere with her family.

Talks are in the Malappuram area of ​​Kerala, reports that a couple living in a two-room rental home reportedly committed prostitution with their 11-12-year-old child. The neighbor had reportedly witnessed an NGO seeing the girl's fragile health.

Neighbors say we used to hear this baby scream every day but there was nothing we could do. The girl was so na .ve and simple that when the NGO and the police were taking her to the shelter home, she addressed her mother and wrote 'Suri Amma' at the door.

More than 30 youths have raped him in the last two years, he told the fundraising agency. However, the girl also said that if my father does not get imprisoned. Because my father would go to jail, our family would face financial crisis.

NGO volunteers were also shocked by the body they had seen. During the interrogation that the girl had started raping since she was ten years old, when the counseling started at the school near the house, the tragic condition of the child was first revealed.

Police did not disclose the identity of the child and his family for compelling reasons.
