Imran did not even utter a word on the atrocities committed against Muslims in China

United Nations, Ta. 28. September 2019 Saturday

In a speech addressed to PM Imran Khan of Pakistan in the United Nations on Friday night, he projects himself as the leader of Muslims around the world.

Although Imran Khan's double and hypocritical face was exposed in it too.

Naturally, Pakistan cannot go a step further without China, so Pakistan does not want to inflame China's anger by talking to Chinese Muslims.

It is worth mentioning that Euger Muslims in Xinjiang province of China are living in captivity like a prisoner. According to a report, 10 million Muslims have been imprisoned in camps and taken to camps.

A large number of mosques have been demolished. China has also imposed restrictions on raising beards and offering prayers. Women are forcibly sterilized.

However, Imran Khan is keeping an eye on all of this. The United States has also questioned Pakistan's silence over the atrocities committed against Muslims in China.
