Landing on a plane farm after bird hordes collide, 223 passengers rescued

Moscow, Ta. 16th August 2019, Friday

Russia's capital, Moscow, was in the midst of a major disaster.

On Thursday, an airplane flying from the airport collided with a horde of birds. The engine of the aircraft also caught some birds. The plane had 223 passengers aboard.

In this case, however, the pilot made a sensible landing and landed on the plane's corn field. Which saved the lives of all the passengers. The emergency landing, however, caused minor injuries to 23 passengers, including five children.

The plane belonged to Ural Airlines. An Airbus 321 type plane was going to Crimea. A horde of birds collided with the aircraft, both engines shut down as some birds got stuck in the engine. The pilot avoided the tragic accident by landing on a plain plane one kilometer away from the airport.

Pilot Damir Yusupov has become an overnight hero in Russia after the incident.
